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Week 21 - Uphill Struggle with a Happy Ending


Week 21 was the first of three tough training weeks before the tapering phase for the half-distance Ironman in Podersdorf (Austria) will start. And I am afraid it was not yet the toughest.

Swim lessons were scheduled from Monday to Friday. Thanks to the nice weather I could swim in Lake Zurich, which was a real pleasure. Monday and Wednesday evenings were reserved for cycling, which I did according to plan. Tuesday and Thursday were reserved for running. I did two 12 km units in my planned race pace. A nice cycling trip was scheduled for Saturday: I rode from Zurich to Andermatt along Lake Zurich, Lake Zug, Lake Lauerz and Lake Lucerne. The last 15 km were 7 % steep hill upwards: from 400 m above sea level to 1,450 m above sea level. But the great view was worth it!

I checked into “The Chedi”, a 5* superior hotel where I spent my afternoon and evening in the spa and restaurant, which offers a fantastic fusion of Swiss and Asian cuisine. I went to bed with the chickens and got up with the cows: a 6 hour hike was scheduled for Sunday. I hiked to Pass Oberalp and from there onwards to Piz Pazola (2,740 m above sea level) and Lai da Tuma, where the river Rhine has its source.


2017 Gerhard Reichel ©        

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