A first look at Michaela’s schedule for this week reveals the end of the intensive training period. Sunday is the first day of the tapering phase for the half-distance Ironman race in Podersdorf (Lake Neusiedler See) on the 3rd of September.
My Monday starts with a "hard swim" in the river Limmat during lunchtime. It is me against the current. I am fighting as hard as I can to reach an exit 200 m upriver. It takes me nearly 30 minuntes - unbelievable! A second try after a short recovery break is as hopeless.
The other workdays are filled with short cycling and running units, mainly between one and two hours each. Saturday makes me swelter again. Michaela's schedule asks me to do a complete Olympic triathlon!
Finally, I have a complete day off on Sunday. No swimming, no cycling, no running, not even a single exercise for my still weak muscles. Heavenly! Unreal! Fantastic! I love tapering.